Posted on 10/31/2008 11:48 am by admin
Great Lakes Meditation, a group of meditation teachers from Michigan, Illinois and other great lakes states including Ontario. We teach meditation free of charge because we consider it essential for the foundation of a balanced and peaceful society. We conduct on-site and online meditation workshops.
The wonderful thing about meditation is that it can be done anywhere! Outdoors, indoors, walking or sitting. We take advantage of this fact and use every possible method to teach and raise awareness about meditation as a solution. Here are some examples of programs we facilitate:
- Instructor led weekly classes
- Short seminars (60 – 90) minutes
- Weekend Workshops (2 – 3 continuous days of a weekend)
- Meditation Retreats (Camping and Meditation)
- Online Live Mediation Programs
- - Course Location: 3110 West Liberty, Ann Arbor 48103 (Plenty of Free Parking) Timings: Most Thursdays at 6pm – 7:30pm in Fall 2009 (Exact Schedule Below) Security Deposit $5 for Audio CDs Checked Out During the Course, Refunded Promptly Anytime! To Signup: Fill Out the Contact Form or email Commonly Asked Questions: 1.Is there a [...]
- - You will be able to attend a free 8 week course this fall in Ann Arbor! All the basics of meditation will be covered during this course which has received a great response in the past. Make sure you decide and register in time as seats are limited at 10 due to space constraints. Course [...]
- - 8 Week Meditation Course in Livonia: Enroll Yourself or Invite a Friend! We still have a few seats left for the class starting next Wednesday. If you’ve already enrolled, please ignore this email. Please see course info and enrollment information below. Enroll yourself or forward to someone who might need some relaxing meditation in their [...]
- - PRESS RELEASE :: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Meditation Course Available Free of Charge! Meditation is a proven approach to manage stress, gain inner peace and balance. A free meditation course in Spring 2009 at the Stautzenberger Health & Wellness Institute in Livonia, MI. Livonia, MI April 13th 2009 – Free meditation classes are being offered at [...]
- This is an amazing talk from TED where the workings of the mind are explored: - It is common knowledge that cooling the brain with a wet cloth eases headaches. In complex situations, cooling organs prolongs their chances of survival in trauma. A researcher is working on developing a helmet envelops puts the head in a soothing cooling flow of air. Meditation practitioners have long known that cool breeze-like flow is [...] - Resting and Sleeping alone is not enough to rest the mind, this story suggests. Some interesting snippets from the article: “There is a huge amount of activity in the [resting] brain that has been largely unaccounted for,” says Marcus Raichle, a neuroscientist at Washington University in St Louis. The fact that the brian is unable [...] - Earlier we saw a link to the ADHD research video on this blog here. Today the ADHD Blog reported in the same vein, the benefit summary of meditation on children with ADHD. |