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Experience Course in Sahaja Meditation: Summer 2010

Welcome to the summer 2010 meditation series! This is your chance to experience the bliss and benefits of meditation in your life, with expert guidance and easy to follow instructions. You can take the series as a course (recommended) or attend topics that matter to you. The friendly settings, small group size (less than 20) and accessible locations make it too good to miss out on.

Course Location:
Room BE158 Business Ed Building, Washtenaw Community College
WCC Room Locator & Directions Here

Timings: Thursdays at 6:30pm – 7:30pm {June 3rd – Aug 5th}

Security Deposit $5 for Audio CDs Checked Out During the Course, fully refunded. CDs are not required if using the web-based recordings.

To Signup: Fill Out the Contact Form or email

Commonly Asked Questions:

1.Is there a fee/expectation of donations?

No. Nada. Zip! All meditation meetings and courses are free of charge, of course, in our continuing mission to empower everyone with the skills to maintain inner peace.

2. Will I lose my $5 security deposit if I scratch/break/feed-my-pet the Audio CDs?

No! We will return the deposit at the end of the course, if there has been a good faith attempt to get the CDs back to us. We like to be nice. :)


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