Benefits of Cooling the Brain
Posted in Research on 01/08/2009 11:06 am by adminIt is common knowledge that cooling the brain with a wet cloth eases headaches. In complex situations, cooling organs prolongs their chances of survival in trauma. A researcher is working on developing a helmet envelops puts the head in a soothing cooling flow of air. Meditation practitioners have long known that cool breeze-like flow is a sign of balance and positivity. Temperature being just a little lower than normal body temperature. In this article the speculation drives at developing medical technology, however generating a cooling breeze is inherent in many meditation practices. The five vital breaths (Prana, Saman, Udan etc.) travel up the central channel, cooling the chakras and finally the brain matter at the final stage before yoga or union occurs at the top of the head.
01/10/2009 at 3:45 pm
[...] In this article the speculation drives at developing medical technology, however generating a cooling breeze is inherent in many meditation practices. The five vital breaths (Prana, Saman, Udan etc.) travel up the central channel, cooling the chakras and finally the brain matter at the final stage before yoga or union occurs at the top of the head. (reposted from Great Lakes Mediation) [...]